Monday, February 20, 2012

for this week

Please take some time to respond to others' presentations/performances this week.

1. Post the text (or a version of that) of your own performance presentation on your blog.
2. Post comments to others' performances on their blogs. Your comments should address the following for each of the other class members' performance presentations:

Give specific feedback/response. What did you like about the work, why? What interests you about the work, why? How/what does this make you think about your own work? Do you have suggestions or ideas about the project (not critique but in terms of engaging with the work?).

Monday, February 13, 2012

schedule and assignments

For Wed 2/15 please come prepared to discuss the Ashbery, Duncan, and Helen Adam plays from Poets Theater anthology.

2/20 and 2/22 meet in library room 217 to do project 2 presentations.

Project 2 assignment: you are to present a textually-based performance work that incorporates some element of dialogue, some element of choreography, and some element of sound. These are open to your interpretation. You may utilize other class members in the presentation of your project if you like. Your presentation/performance should be 10-12 minutes in length.

2/20: Melissa, Matt Catania, Jonah, Kay
2/22: Emily C., Matt Mapes, Miranda, Emily R.

2/27-3/4 spring break

March 5-14 meet in Pray-Harold 308

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

for next week

For next week finish watching Godot (see links and info below)



From the Kenning Anthology read the intro, the review (handout) and the following plays:

Mon: Spicer, Olson, Ashbery, O'hara
Wed: Duncan, Helen Adam

Come prepared to say 3 things, anything you want to say, about each... everyone will be responsible for the discussion.

Friday, February 3, 2012

consider submitting to these!

two places you should send some hybrid/visual/audio work:

Pass this along!

heyo FB hive, if you know some good writers who are looking for an MFA program, please encourage them to check out Fresno State. We have TA positions, GA positions that serve as Editorial Assistants to The Normal School, and some great scholarship opportunities. We're sending almost 20 students to AWP (with funding!), and this year have 15 funded scholarships for Summer Writing Conferences. Our amazing students are publishing like mad in some of the top magazines in the country. Check us out.
For current events, readings, and the honors and publications of our students and faculty, check out the MFA Fresno blog.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

for Monday 2/6

This just in from Carla, to read from the Kenning Anthology of Poets Theater:

Carla Harryman's Third Man, Steve Benson's Views of Communist China, and Frank O'Hara's Try Try (I think it's in there...but maybe not). If not the O'Hara, then Baraka's Dutchman (we will read/discuss this on at some point if not Mon, another time).

Also, flip through and see what other things look interesting.

And bring questions, comments for Carla.